Senior Leadership Team

  • Daniel Bruce

    Daniel Bruce

    Chief Executive

    Daniel joined Transparency International UK as Chief Executive in 2019. Under his leadership, TI-UK has helped to secure significant legislative reform to close down loopholes allowing dirty money, the proceeds of corruption, into the UK economy. He has overseen our forensic investigations of corruption in Covid-19 procurement, formally feeding into the UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry. Daniel has served as an expert witness to the Committee on Standards in Public Life, along with committees in both Houses of Parliament, as part of our work to increase integrity in politics. He is a regular media commentator on standards in government, political financing and global corruption.

    Before joining TI-UK, Daniel served for nearly 6 years as the Chief Executive of the global media support organisation, Internews and has worked on transparency, governance and media initiatives across three continents for Article 19, Albany Associates, Fondation Hirondelle, UNESCO, the University of Pennsylvania and others. He spent his early career as a journalist, editor and broadcaster.

  • Sara B

    Sara Bandali

    Director of International Engagement

    As Director of International Engagement, Sara oversees Global Thematic Networks based at Transparency International UK, addressing corruption in the global health and the defence and security sectors; working closely with other TI chapters around the world and the Berlin secretariat.  She also steers TI-UK’s bilateral partnerships with other chapters to strengthen corruption prevention and identify opportunities to increase shared impact.  

    Sara brings senior leadership experience in designing, delivering and overseeing international development programmes to a high standard in 18 countries; working in different institutional capacities, including consultancy services, the UN,  a donor agency and a private foundation.

  • Duncan Hames

    Duncan Hames

    Director of Policy and Programmes

    Duncan leads the public policy, research and advocacy teams of Transparency International UK. His work aims to advance integrity in British public life and stop the flow through the UK of dirty money arising from corruption around the world.

    Formerly a Member of Parliament, he attended Cabinet as the parliamentary aide to the Deputy Prime Minister. More recently, he completed a master’s degree in conflict, security and development.

    Duncan is currently a governor of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, a director of the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust, and a trustee of an associated charitable trust.

  • Colin Munro

    Colin Munro

    Chief Operating Officer

    Colin is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of Transparency International UK. This includes people, finance, technology, legal and compliance. He supports the governance in his role as Company Secretary and acts as Safeguarding Officer. The team he leads are focused on developing a high trust culture, delivering efficient operations and ensuring effective compliance and risk management. 

  • Alexander Knapp

    Alexander Knapp

    Director of International Engagement (Maternity Cover)


UK Programmes

Corruption and the UK

  • Rachel Davies Teka

    Rachel Davies Teka

    Advocacy Director

    Rachel has worked on anti-corruption policy for over a decade, focussing on corruption in the UK and the UK’s role as a safe haven for dirty money. She heads up TI-UK's external-facing team, which also hosts the UK Anti-Corruption Coalition Secretariat, and leads TI-UK's government-facing work. She has held roles as Chair of the Economic Crime Civil Society Organisations Steering Group (CSOSG), Co-Chair of the UK Anti-Corruption Coalition,  and was a founding member of the UK Open Government Network steering group.

  • Steve Goodrich

    Steve Goodrich

    Head of Research and Investigations

    Steve leads Transparency International UK’s research and investigations team, which provides the evidence and policy thinking behind our advocacy. His brief covers both domestic corruption and the UK’s contribution towards corruption globally, with a specialism in political campaign finance.

  • Rose Zussman

    Rose Zussman

    Senior Advocacy Manager

    Rose leads Transparency International UK’s strategic engagement with Westminster, working toward the goal of ending corruption in the UK and the UK’s role in facilitating corruption abroad. Rose is also an active member of the UK Anti-Corruption Coalition (UKACC) where she contributes to the group’s advocacy on political corruption and illicit finance.

  • Jon Narcross

    Jon Narcross

    Senior Media and Communications Manager

    Jon manages media and communications for Transparency International’s UK programmes including work on illicit finance, money and politics and political integrity.

  • Margot Mollat

    Margot Mollat

    Senior Policy Manager

    Margot leads Transparency International UK’s strategic engagement and policy work with Westminster, working toward the goal of ending corruption in the UK and the UK’s role in facilitating corruption abroad. Margot previously worked for Margaret Hodge MP, coordinating the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Anti-Corruption & Responsible Tax, as well as investigator for Global Witness, uncovering corruption in the extractive and logging sectors.

  • Juliet Swann

    Juliet Swann

    Nations and Regions Programme Manager

    Juliet (she/her) is based in Edinburgh and leads our work in Scotland. She also monitors Wales and Northern Ireland to identify opportunities for TI-UK in those countries. She is Chair of the Open Government Partnership Scotland Civil Society Steering Group, working collaboratively with government on transparency of and public participation in decision making.

  • Ben Cowdock

    Ben Cowdock

    Senior Investigations Lead

    Ben leads Transparency International UK’s research and investigations into Britain’s role as a hub for the proceeds of international corruption. This encompasses working to highlight the country’s shell company industry to give criminals nowhere to hide, strengthening Britain’s defences against dirty money and ensuring the UK offers no impunity to corrupt individuals. 

    He has researched and written seven reports including “At Your Service” which analysed the role played by UK businesses and institutions in laundering the money and reputations of corrupt individuals and regimes.

  • Rose Whiffen

    Rose Whiffen

    Senior Research Officer

    Rose is a Senior Research Officer specialising in political corruption. Her work covers issues of money in politics, lobbying, the revolving door and open governance. She was the lead researcher and writer for several of Transparency International UK's publications including papers on the House of Lords, the revolving door and lobbying. As well as contributing to the 'House of Cards' report which explored access and influence in UK housing policy and 'Cheques and Balances' which explored money in politics. She's previously held roles at Democracy Club and Spotlight on Corruption, and completed an MA in Corruption and Governance from the University of Sussex.

  • Jem Mills-Sheehy

    Jem Mills-Sheehy

    Senior Policy Officer

    Jem supports our work in Westminster working toward the goal of ending corruption in the UK and the UK’s role in facilitating corruption abroad. Jem also leads our UK events programme and is an active member of the UK Anti-Corruption Coalition and UK Anti-SLAPP Coalition.

  • Peter Munro

    Peter Munro

    Senior Coalition Coordinator

    Peter coordinates the UK Anti-Corruption Coalition (UKACC), developing and promoting the advocacy efforts of key civil society organisations relating to anti-corruption and illicit finance. With colleagues in the UK team, he engages with Parliament and Government to advance these policies. 

    Prior to this role, Peter worked on anti-corruption issues in Washington D.C. with Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency Coalition (FACT) and joined us from a House of Commons Whips Office.

  • Stevie Wolfe

    Stevie Wolfe

    Coalition Communications Manager

    Stevie leads comms for the UK Anti-Corruption Coalition (UKACC), helping coordinate partners in order to communicate more effectively with government, influencers and the public.

    Previously he worked in communications for some of the UK’s biggest brands, including seven years spent at leading charities Macmillan Cancer Support, the National Trust, and Marie Curie.

Business Integrity

  • Chara De Lacey

    Chara de Lacey

    Head of Business Integrity

    Chara is Head of Business Integrity at Transparency International UK. In this role she oversees the team’s business integrity research, strategy, policy development and engagement with the private sector through the Business Integrity Forum. 

    Chara is a UK-qualified lawyer with expertise in compliance, business and human rights, and responsible investment.

  • Rory Donaldson

    Rory Donaldson

    Senior Product Manager

    Rory leads project teams working on quantitative benchmarking, thought leadership and policy development. He engages with companies on their anti-corruption priorities, and regularly chairs industry workshops. He is currently leading a programme of research into how a proactive approach to anti-corruption drives successful impact investing outcomes, and on the links between corruption and other ESG factors such as environmental and labour standards.

  • Keri Doogan Turner

    Keri Doogan-Turner

    Senior Events Coordinator

    Keri leads on convening across the organisation, providing dedicated support to the Business Integrity programme and flagship events including the Annual Lecture.

    With dedicated events experience in the not-for-profit sector, Keri brings expertise communicating about a range of topics from effective democracy to responsible investment, gender equality and climate change. She has organised events on behalf of Westminster Foundation for Democracy, ShareAction and ODI.

  • Tilly Prior

    Tilly Prior

    Senior Programme Officer

    Tilly leads on the Transparency International UK's research on topics including the intersection of corruption with sustainability topics such as human rights and the environment, enhancing anti-corruption approaches with values, measuring the effectiveness of corporate anti-corruption approaches and raising corporate anti-corruption disclosure standards. She supports the running of the Business Integrity Forum. She is also an Alternate Member of the UK EITI Multi-Stakeholder Group.

  • Maeve Lane

    Maeve Lane

    Senior Research Analyst

    Maeve leads the operations of the Corporate Anti-Corruption Benchmark, a tool designed to raise business anti-corruption standards. She also conducts research and analysis as part of the Business Integrity team's thought leadership projects. Her current research focuses on the links between corporate anti-corruption and sustainability.

International Programmes

Defence and Security

  • Michael Ofori-Mensah

    Michael Ofori-Mensah

    Head of Research

    Dr. Michael Ofori-Mensah is Research Project Manager at Transparency International - Defence & Security (TI-DS) where he is responsible for managing the delivery of the Government Defence Integrity Index (GDI). 

    Until August 2018, Michael was Director of Research at the Institute of Economic Affairs, where he spent 8 years leading research and coordinating a broad range of national and international projects. He has contributed to several public policy reform initiatives in the area of governance and constitution review in Ghana. Michael has undertaken research on economic and political issues and authored several publications on institutional reform, anti-corruption and public financial management. 

  • Patrick

    Patrick Kwasi Brobbey

    Research Project Manager


  • Denitsa

    Denitsa Zhelyazkova

    Research Officer

    Denitsa is responsible for conducting qualitative and mixed-methods research projects, producing and facilitating literature reviews, synthesis studies and case-based studies on key topics. She previously worked as Junior Research Executive at YouGov as well as a policy intern for the Administration of the President of Bulgaria at the Unit of Strategic Policies, Analyses and Prognoses.

  • Irasema Guzman Orozco

    Irasema Guzman Orozco

    Research Project Officer

    Irasema is a Research Project Officer for the Government Defence Integrity Index (GDI). She is a researcher specialising in corruption and governance. She completed her PhD in Politics at the University of Sussex where she made significant contributions to the Centre for the Study of Corruption. Her doctoral project employed mixed methods to explain the power dynamics facilitating corruption risks in public procurement. Irasema also has extensive experience working in the Mexican public sector, which includes leading projects that enhanced fiscal transparency and public participation.

  • Lea

    Léa Clamadieu

    Research Project Officer

    Lea is a Research Project Officer for the 2025 Government Defence Integrity Index (GDI). Prior to joining us, she was a Defence Budgets and Forecast Analyst at Janes - a defence open-source intelligence company based in London. Lea holds a MA in International Peace and Security from King's College London and a BA in European Studies from University College London.

  • Emily Wegner

    Emily Wegener

    Senior Policy and Campaigns Officer

    Emily works on multilateral advocacy for TI-DS, advocating a better integration of anti-corruption into defence, security and peacebuilding policies, strategies and practices. She joined TI in October 2021 working initially for TI Global Health, until moving to TI-DS in January 2023. Emily holds an MSc in International Development from the University of Manchester.

  • Yi Kang

    Yi Kang Choo

    International Programmes Officer

    Yi Kang provides advocacy, research, and programmatic support to Transparency International’s Global Thematic Networks for Defence & Security and Global Health, aiming to combat corruption and promote good governance in these critical sectors. Originally from Malaysia, Yi Kang also engages with Chapters across the Transparency International Movement, particularly in the Asia Pacific region, to foster collaboration and drive impactful advocacy on related issues.

  • Colby Goodman

    Colby Goodman

    Senior Consultant

    Colby Goodman is a Senior Consultant at Transparency International Defence and Security (TI-DS) and a member of the TI US team. He conducts research and provides advice on corruption risks within the international arms trade and other forms of defence sector corruption.

    Colby Goodman has fought to reduce corruption risks and prevent harm in US security assistance over the past 15 years by uncovering some of the deeper challenges and illuminating ways to address these challenges.

  • Michael Picard

    Michael Picard

    Research Fellow

    Michael is a Graduate Research Fellow supporting Transparency International’s Defence and Security team in Washington, DC. He has extensive research experience in arms control and proliferation – specifically small arms and light weapons – and has worked for the Small Arms Survey, the University of Sydney’s School of Public Health, the Centre for Armed Violence Reduction, and others.

Global Health

  • Jonathan Cushing

    Jonathan Cushing

    Programme Director

    Jonathan leads the TI Global Health Programme, which works advance progress towards Universal Health coverage by ending corruption in the health sector. Jonathan sits on the WHO-GNACTA steering committee on behalf of the programme.  With a background in global health, and Jonathan has experience of working in a number of countries, including Bangladesh, Malawi and Nepal to strengthen health systems. 

  • Tom Wright

    Tom Wright

    Health Research Manager

    Tom joined the Transparency International Health Initiative in February 2018 to develop the advocacy and research work streams of the flagship, DFID funded, Open Contracting for Health Project. Tom joined the team having previously worked on International Development projects focusing on Health, Women’s Economic Empowerment & Governance. He holds a Master’s degree in Corruption and Governance from the University of Sussex.

Shared Services

Chief Executive's Office

  • Sue Blackwell

    Sue Fraser

    Senior Executive Assistant

    Sue provides organisational and administrative support to the Chief Executive, coordination of the Senior Leadership Team and ensures that the governance arrangements of the Board, various Committees and Advisory Council are effectively supported and delivered.

  • Sola

    Sola Oduneye

    Corporate Partnerships Manager

    Sola leads on our corporate stakeholder and partner engagements at Transparency International UK. Raising the profile of our Business Integrity membership and promoting successful outcomes on behalf of our Business Integrity Forum and Anti-corruption Benchmark partners. She is distinguished at nurturing long-term, reciprocal partnerships and carving out unique collaboration and growth opportunities through a career built in strategic and commercial relationship management.

  • Sophie Campbell White

    Sophie Campbell White

    Senior Development Officer

    Sophie is responsible for providing support for fundraising and proposal development. She works across multiple fundraising streams, as well as creating and managing her own portfolio of supporters. She has previous experience working in fundraising and engagement in a number of NGOs in South America. 

People, Finance, Technology and Compliance

  • James Evans

    James Evans

    Financial Controller

    James oversees Transparency International UK’s financial planning and delivery. He is a qualified accountant who has held various finance roles in the not for profit sector.

  • Harsha Patel

    Harsha Patel

    Finance Officer

    Harsha supports the Finance Team with the transactional process. Prior to joining the team she worked for non-profit organisations in various finance and administrative roles.

  • Gloria Youri

    Gloria Youri

    People Business Partner

    Gloria provides subject matter expertise and advisory service across the broad spectrum of people management disciplines including development and delivery of TI-UK’s people strategy and priorities. Gloria is MCIPD qualified with multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary experience in people management practice.

  • Natasha Woodman

    Natasha Woodham

    People Business Partner

    Natasha  is responsible for supporting and advising the organisation on all HR matters, including policy and procedures, reward and remuneration and employee satisfaction. Prior to joining TI-UK she was in a similar generalist role at the British Red Cross, supporting their UK Operations.