You can get in touch with us for general enquiries, via the following:

Phone: 020 3096 7676

Email: [email protected]

Visit us

We work across the UK with office's in both England and Scotland.

If you’re visiting us for a pre-arranged meeting our workspace locations are:

  • London

    81 Rivington Street
    EC2A 3AY

  • Edinburgh

    The Melting Pot
    15 Calton Road
    EH8 8DL

81 Rivington Street
Our London office at 81 Rivington Street

Press Office

Our press office is open as a service for journalists looking for comment and information on transparency and corruption issues.

For journalist enquiries, please contact Jon Narcross on 020 3096 7695 or 077 9472 8820.

Out of hours:
Weekends; Weekdays (17.30-21.30): 079 6456 0340

You can also contact [email protected]

Chief Executive Daniel Bruce on BBC
Chief Executive Daniel Bruce on BBC News

Reporting Corruption

Unfortunately, we do not have the resources or legal expertise to take on specific cases or give advice to people who want to report corruption, bribery or fraud. We regret that we are unable to investigate individual cases.