Since 1994, Transparency International UK has worked with the UK and devolved governments, parliamentarians, civil society and the business community to play a critical role in tackling corruption at home, addressing the UK’s global corruption footprint, and helping multinational companies prevent corruption by guiding them towards robust anti-corruption and integrity measures in their operations and sustainability strategies.

We are also the movement host to two major Transparency International global programmes (Defence and Security, and Global Health) in tackling corruption in those sectors on behalf of the wider Transparency International coalition.

Our approach considers the diverse impacts of corruption on factors such as gender, race, socioeconomic status and others, ensuring our solutions are tailored to the specific challenges faced by different groups.

We deliver our mission through impartial, evidence-based research, the design of solutions and standards and by educating decision-makers.

We drive change through constructive advocacy and by providing support and expertise to others aligned to our cause.

This has resulted in significant progress in stopping corruption, promoting integrity and holding power to account.

2 Protecting the Public's Resources

Medical masks