The COVID-19 pandemic required an unprecedented public health response, compelling UK authorities to act with unparalleled speed. In the hurry, many standard procurement safeguards, such as competition and due diligence, were skipped to expedite the process

Behind the Masks is the most comprehensive analysis to date of public procurement and contracts issued during the COVID-19 pandemic. By analysing publicly available data on over 5,000 UK contracts, alongside official reports, litigation in the courts, and public interest journalism, we identified 135 high-risk contracts worth £15.3 billion. These contracts, which represent nearly one in every three pounds spent, raise serious concerns and warrant further investigation by relevant authorities.

Our research attributes these failings to the widespread and often unjustifiable suspension of procurement checks and safeguards, costing billions to the public purse, and eroding trust in political institutions. As the UK prepares itself for future crises, which are increasingly likely to occur within our lifetimes, this report provides valuable insights to help further investigations into what went wrong, as well as into mistakes that were made during the COVID-19 response.

The UK government should urgently act on the lessons learnt to prevent further harm.

This Report was updated on 12 September 2024 following further responses received from Luxe Lifestyle and Randox Laboratories Ltd