Daniel Bruce

Since we published our 10-year strategy in 2021 much has changed. The passing of two major economic crime bills through Parliament, removing the veil of secrecy around suspicious property ownership, a new code of conduct for MPs and globally a clearer anti-corruption focus in the UN's Pandemic Preparedness Accord and anti-corruption controls for Private Military Contractors.

These are all positive steps forward in our work. Yet, despite this progress, Britain cannot be complacent about corruption; both at home and in attracting the proceeds of corruption worldwide. Dirty money still pollutes our economy, whilst there are too many red flags over the corrupting influence of money in politics for example. 

Internationally our global programmes in defence and global health face must continue to respond to global events that highlight the interconnectedness of corruption and conflict while billions continue to be lost each year to corruption and fraud in the health sector.

While we can, and do, celebrate our successes since 2021 we know that there is more to do.  Our work is more vital than ever and that’s why our refreshed strategy provides a clear plan to address the challenges ahead.

The passing of the recent Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act, a landmark piece of legislation moves the campaign to change the status quo on Britain’s role as a safe haven to the next stage. Now our focus is ensuring the measures we have secured in these new laws are effective in practice.

In 2024 we find ourselves at a key political moment in the UK. With a general election on the horizon and the polls suggesting a ‘once in a generation’ political shift, we have a key opportunity to ramp up our work on standards and political integrity ensuring that, these issues remain high on the political agenda of whoever ends up in Downing Street come election day.

We have updated our priorities within our Global Health and Defence and Security programmes. We recognize the important role that both programmes should play in the multilateral arena, and we are committed to embedding anti-corruption norms and standards. We will draw upon our years of expertise in these fields to develop these norms and standards. At the same time, we will maintain important tactical relationships with global partners in other Transparency International chapters.

Alongside our existing priorities, we have taken the opportunity to develop new areas of focus, reflecting both challenges and opportunities that have developed within our work. We know there is more to do around localised corruption risks with regional development and investment zones, discretionary support funds and local government in the UK deserving greater attention. 

In addition, we will seek to adopt a ‘harms based’ approach to some of our lobbying transparency work with a particular interest in climate, health and housing – all areas where the impact of corruption is acutely felt in our day-to-day lives but their root causes can be often overlooked. 

We will aim to expand our relationships with other Transparency International chapters on research related to illicit financial flows and asset tracing, where the UK has already established a significant role. This initiative will build on the progress made in recent years, towards establishing efficient and effective communication channels with various arms of the wider Transparency International movement.

Our strategy outlines how we leverage our expertise, influence, and positive convening role to combat corruption, foster integrity, and hold those in power accountable for the greater good. With your ongoing support, we are excited to continue this work in the years to come.