The sustainability regulatory landscape is rapidly evolving. Companies are increasingly required to conduct human rights and environmental due diligence and publicly disclose information on diverse environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics, including climate, corruption and human rights, in their value chain.
Navigating new sustainability legislation is challenging but companies have existing expertise and processes they can leverage, including as part of their approach to anti-corruption and integrity.
In response to the need for companies to expand their compliance efforts to meet these requirements, our new guidance for boards, Ethics & Compliance, Legal and ESG/sustainability professionals provides practical insights on:
- Setting up an ESG governance system grounded on principles of accountability, integrity and transparency.
- Leveraging ethics & compliance, legal and sustainability expertise and processes to coordinate and strengthen corruption and sustainability risk management.
Join our online launch with project partners PwC UK and Novartis on Thursday 27 February, 12:30-13:00 GMT for recommendations on how your company can respond to the changing regulatory environment, informed by findings from interviews with over 45 ethics & compliance, legal, financial crime, risk and sustainability practitioners.
Chara de Lacey
Head of Business IntegrityChara is Head of Business Integrity at Transparency International UK. In this role she oversees the team’s business integrity research, strategy, policy development and engagement with the private sector through the Business Integrity Forum.
Chara is a UK-qualified lawyer with expertise in compliance, business and human rights, and responsible investment. -
Laura Middleton
Director, PwC United KingdomLaura is a Director in our Forensic Services team and leads our ESG investigations team. Laura specialises in non-financial investigations, supporting her clients to respond to allegations of wrongdoing, in particular where these relate to governance or leadership.
Applying the latest forensic technology and investigatory techniques, Laura aims to provide a clear and independent understanding of the facts and evidence behind the allegations, and works closely with her clients to support them to respond and recover.
Peter Nestor
Global Head of Human Rights, Novartis
Business Integrity
Preparing for the CSRD: Anti-corruption and political engagement disclosures explained
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Driving Integrity in Business
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