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How do we end impunity to corruption in health? Adequate oversight and accountability can ensure that money meant for the health sector doesn’t go into the pockets of corrupt individuals.
Join Transparency International Global Health for the next webinar in our series in partnership with USAID and the Global Network for Anti-Corruption, Transparency and Accountability in Health where we will explore how to recover funds lost to corruption in the health sector and build in robust oversight and accountability mechanisms to prevent money being lost in the first place.
- Tracy Staines is Inspector General a the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. She brings over 20 years of multi-sectoral experience in audit and risk management, including eight years at the Global Fund.
- Baba S Drammeh is Deputy Auditor General in The Gambia's National Audit Office where he has worked since 2006. Currently he heads the Performance Audit Unit which examines whether interventions, programmes and institutions in The Gambia public sector are performing in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
- Fatima Hassan is a human rights lawyer and social justice activist who founded the Health Justice Initiative. She has dedicated her professional life to defending and promoting human rights in South Africa, especially in the field of HIV/AIDS. Fatima was awarded the 2022 Calgary Peace Prize.