Transparency International UK’s Corporate Political Engagement Index assesses the public reporting practices of the 40 largest companies in the FTSE 100 Index in relation to their political engagement.
Principles and guidance for responsible corporate political engagement. (2015)
Transparency International UK has published a new guidance for companies on the responsible management of corporate political engagement.
Wise Counsel or Dark Arts? Principles and guidance for responsible corporate political engagement provides practical advice on addressing the challenges of managing political engagement. It is also designed to assist lobbyists, trade bodies, regulators, law-makers, investors, prosecuting agencies and professional advisers who may wish to refer to a Transparency International (TI) position when forming their own approach and decisions.
Engagement with the political process is a legitimate, necessary and beneficial business activity. However, repeated political scandals have led to high levels of public mistrust of the relationship between the public and private sectors. This, in addition to significant legal, corruption and bribery risks, makes it a complex area for companies to manage.
The guidance covers a broad spectrum of corporate activity including: political contributions; lobbying; memberships of trade associations; exchanges of people between the public and private sectors; and political activities in the workplace.
Accountable Influence marks the launch of a new campaign from Transparency International UK “Transparency Matters” to highlight the importance of transparency in the fight against corruption and the effect it has on our everyday lives.