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Policymakers around the world have made the expeditious deployment of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines a top priority in order to bring the pandemic under control. But how much information about COVID-19 purchasing agreements is actually available in the public domain? And how can data sharing and contract publication help policymakers decide how much vaccine countries should buy, who should pay, and how they should be delivered and distributed?
Join the Center for Global Development and Transparency International for a discussion on opportunities for greater transparency in COVID-19 vaccine development and procurement, building on new research from Transparency International and the WHO Collaborating Centre for Governance, Accountability, and Transparency in the Pharmaceutical Sector on transparency in COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials and contracting. Speakers will highlight the key risks of limited information on vaccine development and procurement and examine how to move toward more systematic and strategic approaches for improved global access and equity.
Register for free via the Center for Global Development website here.
This report explores why and how a company ought to measure the effectiveness of its approach to anti-corruption. We analyse what is understood by “measuring effectiveness”, highlight practical considerations, and provide examples of metrics that are proving useful for companies.
The need to work on this subject arose as a result of our 2020 report Open Business, which provides principles and guidance for corporate anti-corruption transparency. During the research for Open Business, it became apparent that one of the reasons why companies are not disclosing meaningful anti-corruption information is because they are not gathering and measuring the necessary information on how they manage their corruption risks to subsequently disclose it. It is with this in mind that we have published our new report Make it Count. Companies that face significant corruption risks need to know whether their approach to anti-corruption works in practice and should be able to demonstrate that it does.
In conversation with Transparency International, Norges Bank Investment Management and Anglo American plc on anti-corruption transparency.
As actors look to re-build our economies and societies in a more sustainable way post-pandemic, companies need to respond in a meaningful way.
Corruption undermines sustainability efforts and companies need to take seriously their efforts, and show how they are doing so, to rebuild public trust and achieve a high degree of integrity in their actions. Without it, we will not be able to build back better.
Hear from Head of Business integrity at Transparency International UK accompanied by speakers from Norges Bank Investment Management and Anglo American plc on why anti-corruption transparency is key to building back better, and practical advice on how to do so. This conversation builds upon Transparency International UK's 2020 report: Open Business.
Moderator: Rocio Paniagua, Head of Business Integrity, Transparency International UK
Jinu Koola, Senior Economist, Norges Bank Investment Management
Peter Elam, Group Head of Risk Management and Business Assurance, Anglo American plc