Welcome to our Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic dominated the year for Transparency International UK as it did for so many organisations. It also underscored the importance of our work at a time when protecting the public’s resources, building integrity in the public and private sector and ensuring those who would exploit the crisis for their own gain do not go unpunished could not be more critical.
Learn more about our work over the past 12 months by clicking 'download as PDF' below.
The UK is a safe haven for corrupt and criminal wealth. The list of exposés detailing the investments and indulgences of a global cadre of corrupt individuals in or through our economy has become too large to ignore. Yet it is very difficult to bring a successful prosecution against large companies for serious economic crime in the UK, due to the difficulties in establishing corporate criminal liability. Prosecutions are rare and slow to progress. A change to legislation to more effectively deter corporate crime is long overdue.