Welcome to our Annual Report for the 2023-24. This report outlines our achievements to end the UK’s role as a global hub for dirty money, to increase integrity in politics and private sector and to protect the public purse.
This report supports anti-corruption and ESG/sustainability professionals to better understand “corruption and bribery” and “political engagement” as sustainability matters in the context of the European Union (EU) Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). It considers how potentially material impacts, risks and opportunities linked to “corruption and bribery” could be identified when performing a materiality assessment in line with the ESRS.
Since 1994, Transparency International UK has worked with the UK and devolved governments, parliamentarians, civil society and the business community to play a critical role in tackling corruption at home, addressing the UK’s global corruption footprint, and helping multinational companies prevent corruption by guiding them towards robust anti-corruption and integrity measures in their operations and sustainability strategies.