Does the UK have a Corruption Problem? - Middlesbrough

Fri 18th Apr 2014
17:30 – 19:00 BST
Teesside University Business School, Middlesborough, TS1 3BA
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Recent events such as the phone hacking controversy, MPs expenses scandal and the spot fixing charges in county cricket have highlighted the fact that the UK is not immune to corruption.

Date & Time: 18th April 2012, 17:30-19:45

Location: Teesside University Business School, Teesside University, Middlesbrough, TS1 3BA, United Kingdom

Recent events such as the phone hacking controversy, MPs expenses scandal and the spot fixing charges in county cricket have highlighted the fact that the UK is not immune to corruption.

Transparency International UK (TI-UK) recently published a report which examined the levels of corruption in 23 UK sectors and institutions.


TI-UK is hosting a series of events around the UK to present the findings of the report and to look at the wider issue of corruption and how the problem can be tackled.


The event will be held at Teesside University Business School


17:30 Drinks reception and buffet

18:15 Opening remarks from Chandu Krishnan, Executive Director of TI-UK

18:20 Presentation from Professor Michael Macaulay

19:00 Q&A discussion

[email protected]